
Since my last post I have been musing on the question of where to go next. Should I plough through more turgid lessons on the language or should I have some fun with the Swing thread. After some deliberation I have decided to go with A Brief Introduction to Swing.

The first branch of this trail is a philosophical piece entitled What is Swing? It is best to ignore this as the tutorial tends to get muddled when it tries to be philosophical. The second branch, A Swing Demo, is much more fun. It talks you through a real applet, and it inspires enthusiasm because it is so neat, and it works so well.

The Swing Features trail is pretty much a reference document with illustrations of what VB would call GUI objects, but which here are called Swing components. There is in my opinion rather too much space devotes to the so called "Look and Feel", and then there are the usual sections on internationalisation and accessibility, which in a politically correct world they have to put in, but which I'm afraid I find rather dull, and skip over.

The post interesting link in the Swing thread is given in very small print. The same link also appears on the Tutorial home page, also in small print, under the heading Creating Graphical User Interfaces. It is the trail: Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing. This is where you should go to learn about Swing, by doing rather than just reading. And this is where I shall begin in my next blog entry.


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