Numbers and Strings
The Numbers and Strings trail is also pretty much a reference trail, but there is a catch, to catch out the unwary beginner. Some of the lessons need to be read very carefully, before you begin programming. In the languages I've used previously, a number is a number and a string is a string, and that's all you really need to know, besides how to convert one to the other. Not so in Java. Java is the language where all objects have to belong to classes, classes belong to superclasses, and superclasses belong to an object. So to expect a number simply to be a number and a string simply to be a string in Java would be naive. No, in Java, numbers belong to a number class (with subclasses for the number types), strings belong to a string class, and even formatting belongs to a formatting class. The implications for programming with numbers don't seem to be too great because "most of the time" you are allowed to use the "primitive types". So when you d...